
A Change of Direction

At the risk of being overly dramatic the last week has been life changing.

In the weeks leading up to it I had continued to train 4-5 times per week with the occasional dizzy spell but the challenge of a 10k where I nearly passed out 4 times brought home that something was wrong. However my GP thought differently.  He made comment that my BP was that of a 20 year old and when my blood tests all came back normal I was told I didn’t need to see him again.

I work just round the corner from Harley Street so decided to pay for a Stress ECG. As my dizziness only occurs when I am exercising this test would hopefully pick up the problem. I made the appointment on the Saturday for the Monday.

The Stress ECG is conducted by a Cardiologist. After giving her a brief history I laid on the couch while she attached the ECG leads and the BP cuff. As a precaution she carried out a brief scan of my heart. And that is when my life changed.

imagesAs the cardiologist told me that I had severe aortic stenosis I felt my life as I knew it drain away. No more training, open heart surgery to replace the damaged valve and the risk that I may not survive.

So a week on I am trying to come to terms with my heart condition. I am hoping that this time next year I would have recovered from my surgery and passed my PT Diploma. It may be a great opportunity to specialise in training clients who are post cardiac surgery.

In the meantime I will continue with this blog but with a different focus. I am just hoping that in 4 years I can rename it Fitfrom60.