
Stand up to Cancer

I try to blog every two weeks but occasionally I find it it difficult to find the time. Working full time, having a family and social life, training, studying, leaves little time to ‘blog’. But it is now an important part of my life. Who could have foreseen that when I started writing it in April 2015 that I was about to enter the most turbulent time of my life. And without doubt writing the blog has helped me get through it. It has served as a on-line diary. The chance to reflect on what was happening to me and what I was doing about it. I had last wrote a diary when I was 15 years old. And believe me that was not for on- line consumption. Although I did share it with my daughter when she was of a similar age. I am not sure if she found it helpful or it was just a source of great amusement. I know the ‘reach’ of my blog is fairly low. I know I need to spend more time on search engine optimisation but I’m fairly impressed that I even know what that means. I wouldn’t have had a clue 18 months ago.

What I do know is that I want to do more of it. I like writing. And writing about fitness is a refreshing change from business cases and reports. I like to think that in a few years time, when I have got my son through University, that I will be ensconced in my seaside abode making a name for myself as a old git fitness guru. Well we all should have our dreams. And what the last year has taught me is that whilst there is breath in our bodies we should pursue them. 

But back to the present. I have been giving some thought to my next fitness challenges. I want to use them to charity fund raise. I have lost two people so very close to me from bowel cancer. My mum died eight years ago and my best friend just a few short months ago. Both had bowel cancer. Both were diagnosed after it had spread to the liver. Both received a diagnosis with a terminal prognosis. And both were given a flicker of hope when surgery was suggested only for the cancer to have other ideas. So I will be raising money for Bowel Cancer next year. 

I have set myself three challenges. The first is a half marathon on my best friend’s birthday in April. April is also Bowel Cancer awareness month.The second is to do the three peaks challenge. The highest peaks in Wales, England and Scotland over 24 hours or 3 days. I am leaning towards the 3 days as I don’t want to trudge up a mountain in the dark. I want to have something that I can put on Instagram. Finally I quite fancy a 10k toughest challenge in the Peak District. No muddy obstacles but lots of challenging terrain. 

Of course I could just bake a cake but that wouldn’t be fair to man or beast. Well my dog would eat it but he eats bowel products (usually the cat’s) so maybe that would be fitting.

So I have committed myself. I have blogged it.