
Eat well, train hard, sleep enough

I am just back from an amazing holiday in Jamaica. Sun, sea, good food, drink and great company. I want to be back there. I am not so happy about the 6 lbs I put on. That works out at about a pound a day. All down to three good meals a day and a bucket load of rum punch. I did venture into the gym twice and ran most mornings on the beach. I tried my hand at kayaking but my steering was pretty poor so I let my husband take the strain. But the phase ‘you can’t out train a bad diet’ is never truer than when you are on holiday. Well for me anyway. Not that my diet was bad just too much of it. But I am happy to take the hit. It was worth it.

This holiday is my second since having open heart surgery. I booked the first at the end of last year with a certain amount of apprehension as I was still struggling with my medication but all went well and this time I had no such concerns. I just had to remember to take sufficient supplies and a bit more in case an erupting volcano or some other ‘disaster’ delayed my return to the UK.
 What does bring home how my life has changed is the sorting out of the dreaded travel insurance. Now I know that there are those that are not particularly candid in declaring their health issues in order to keep their premium down but I declare everything. Just over a year ago that wasn’t much but now it takes me quite a while to get through all the questions. Fortunately the premium isn’t that high as no further treatment is required and I can walk unaided.

Once adequately insured I was free to enjoy my holiday. One thing that I am now not frightened off is the holiday snaps. Three years ago I wasn’t so keen but now that I am happy with the way I look bring it on. Except this time I thought my legs looked fat. It was only at the end of the holiday did I realised they weren’t fat but swollen. I carried out an assessment for pitting oedema whilst sitting in Gate 9 of Montego Bay airport. Now a couple of years ago I would have put such bodily changes down to the heat but things are different now. I have had cardiac surgery, my heart was under a lot of strain and is probably still recovering. So I immediately opted for heart failure. Two days back in the cold and damp of England they are back to normal so I can delay the water tablets for now but it did give me a bit of a jolt. What if my health problems aren’t behind me? I have been so delighted and grateful at my recovery that I have pushed any concerns that it may not all be all onwards and upwards to the back of my mind. I am excited at the prospect of second career in fitness when I retire even though I am not yet sure what it will look like. But what if that is taken away from me by a failing body.

I can only do my best to stay as healthy as possible. Eat well, train hard, sleep enough. If that is not enough to prevent further ill-health then I am just going to have to deal with it. There are no guarantees. 

I have had a wonderful holiday, I have passed the theory assessment of the current course I am taking, my daughter has a new job and my son has submitted his university applications. Life is good. Hopefully it will stay that way.