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Half Marathon Training-getting to the finish line

On 23rd April I will be running my first, could be my last, half marathon. It is the birthday of my best friend. Sadly, she won’t be celebrating it as she lost her life to bowel cancer last July. So I am running it to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK. I started to train for it a couple of months ago and now I have five weeks left to make sure that I don’t collapse in an exhausted heap before the finish line.

I have tried to run three to four times per week. Two or three 5ks and then a longer run at the weekend. Today I am going to run 12k which is 7.46 miles in old money. My favourite run is one that I occasionally do at lunchtime in Regents Park. I actually get to wave at the camels as I run pass London Zoo.

At the same time as training for the half marathon I have carried on with my strength training as I don’t want to lose the gains I made during the 28 day challenge. It was a bit of a struggle for me but I am really impressed with how much stronger I am now. For example, I started the challenge split lunging with 12.5kg dumbells. I now do it with 25kg in each hand. Strength training is non negotiable. And it does help with the running. A strong core and lower body reduces the risk of injury and maintains running form for longer.I do find running hard especially the first couple of kms. If it is a good run I settle into my pace and start thinking about other things. A not so good run finds me completely focused on when I can stop. And I can’t foresee how a run will pan out. I have run well with a hangover and bombed when feeling on top form. But I won’t be having a few drinks on the evening before the half marathon.

All ready for a 12 km

And I am slow. I have failed to get below a 34 minute 5k. This is partly due, I think, to being on betablockers which reduces my maximum heart rate. I am hoping that when I next see my cardiac surgeon I can start being weaned off them. I may then start to speed up. But I might just remain a tortoise. But, of course, it is all about getting to the finish line which is what my training is hoping to achieve.

What running has not achieved is weight loss. I continue to really struggle to lose weight. Two years ago I was at my ideal weight and was having to be careful not to go under that. But now, even though I am eating in the same way it is very difficult to shift the superfluous to requirement last few kgs. Again, the joys of being on beta-blockers. I have this stubborn roll of tummy fat. A consequence of middle age and pregnancy that I have to embrace and live with? No way. It will be history. I am coming for it but I will have to review my strategy. Watch this space.

But for now I need to lace up my trainers and hit the road. Here’s hoping for a good one.