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My Sixtieth Year – Week 7 – not giving up

When is it good to give up on something? I’d suggest when it is causing anxiety or taking up too much time. I went cold turkey on my tv soap addiction a few years ago. Suddenly my evenings were free. If we didn’t give up on things how  would we make time for new loves and challenges. But sometimes giving up can bring a feeling of failure and  warrants some reflection. 

For the first time ever, I think, I was a whisker away from bailing out of my personal training session. Now bearing in mind that I have never pulled out of a training session even though there were times I should have done. I even continued after fainting on one occasion. Not the most sensible thing I have ever done. This week I was feeling a little tired due to a late night but otherwise I was good. The session comprised of 2 sets of three exercises in a 6, 12, 25 formation. The 2 sets to be completed 4 times. It was hard. My daughter (who I train with) was swearing more than usual. It was hot and humid. I started to look like a clammy tomato. I got through the penultimate set and knew that I couldn’t do the last. Fortunately, we ran out of time so I didn’t have to admit to it. But my PT knew. 

And I felt bad. I felt as if I had let myself down. Which I know is illogical. I had completed nearly 90% of a hard session. I had nothing to be ashamed of. But that 10% robbed me of my usual sense of achievement. As I say it’s illogical.

My self esteem was restored somewhat the following day when I realised that I had leg pressed 145kg for 12 repetitions. A personal best. So I will hold my head high again.
I suspect that this is more about my age than I care to admit. I would hate to think, or anyone else, that I had to give up because I’m too old. I can use that excuse in my eightieth year.

On a similar note the other thing I am tempted to give up, every weekend, is the course I’m doing on Exercise for the Older Adult. I’ve done the reading, I’ve passed the exam. I just have to submit the worksheet and the case study. All very straightforward but the documentation to be completed is just so clunky. I’ve lost work when it hasn’t saved and there is so much repetition. But I’m getting there. I’m not giving up.