Being 60, Fitness, older adult, Professional Coach, Uncategorized, weight loss

My Sixtieth Year (Week 34)

It has taken me a couple of days to get round to writing this blog. Life is so busy at the moment with work, training, decorating my daughter’s bedroom and my professional coach qualification. And let’s not go there where Christmas preparations are concerned. Although I have been to my first Christmas party with the inevitable hangover. 
So a bit about a few of these things.

First my health and fitness. I have a wonky derrière. I was doing back squats under the supervision of my personal trainer. As the weight increased she observed that I was favouring my left side. Not only that but horrors of horrors my left gluteus maximus (butt muscle) was more developed than the right. After close scrutiny of the video I had to conclude that I had a very wonky form. So work has begun on getting my right side to catch up with the left. And whilst vanity plays a big part in all this there is the more serious consideration of possible injury if it is not corrected. I am going to make an appointment with the osteopath to rule out any physical reasons for my imbalance. 

My diet has taken a bit of a battering as a consequence of being away so much with work. Now is the time to get back on track before I eat and drink my body weight in food over Christmas. 

All in all I am happy where I am health and wise. The two photos are five years apart. The one on the right was taken at the Christmas party last Saturday of the gym that brought about my transformation. The one on the left at a Sweet and Slade concert in 2013. I may look different but my love of 70s music remains.

I have done my first coaching session. The technology worked so that was a big relief. I will get the feedback in a few days. I know it wasn’t perfect but it has to be onwards and upwards. Just so much to learn. Not just about the process but about myself. The most challenging element of professional coaching is remaining mentally present throughout the session. Who can say with hand on heart that their mind has never wandered during a meeting or has waited in a gap in a conversation to jump in rather than listen to what the other person is saying. I’m certainly guilty of both. No room for such behaviour when coaching a client. 

Finally, I have booked on a challenge for 2019. The Three Welsh Peaks. Three mountains, Snowdon, Cadair Idris and Pen Y Fan  in twenty-four hours with the last one at night. But the promise of the sun rising as we walk back down. 

So a busy week with no sign of slowing down until Christmas. I’m just going to go with the flow and enjoy every wave.