Being 60, Uncategorized

My Sixtieth Year (Week 35 & 36)

I didn’t have time to write my blog last week so catching up now. Of course when I say I didn’t have time what I mean not being prepared to sacrifice my dose of a mindless Sunday afternoon murder mystery to put pen to paper or finger to iPad. But sometimes it is what is needed to recharge and I’m here now. 

Murder mysteries aside it has been a busy time. This time of year always is. What with Christmas preparation and celebrations, work and now the course I’m doing. My training has taken a bit of a back seat. Only two sessions this week and it looks as if next week may be the same. But once Christmas is done and dusted I’ll be back on it. I have a number of goals to achieve by my birthday and then a spot of 24 hour mountain climbing to prepare for.

My 60 for 60 (see about) is going fairly well. No travel outside the UK for various reasons but plenty of other experiences old and new. 

Last week I met up with women that I last saw 28 years ago. It was at a Christmas lunch reunion of midwives and support workers. A great time catching up and reminiscing. Many are now retired, others winding down or have their eye on the end game. All those years just melted away. The next one is planned for 2020.

I’ve been to the Pantomime. The last time I went was when my children were small. I’d forgotten how fun it is. Mind you it does help when a few celebrities are thrown in. I have been subject to the odd suburban offering that wasn’t so funny. Well not for the right reasons.

I have also booked a ticket to see Swan Lake in January. I’ll probably hate it as I’m no culture vulture but who knows. 

I’m pushing the boundaries where my reading is concerned. Much of this is through the Book Club that my work organised. But I have ventured out of my comfort on my own. I’ve just finished reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I loved it. Particularly the account of the Cratchetts Christmas celebrations. Such joy at having goose, potatoes and apple sauce for dinner. A wonderful account of the social conditions of the time. 

I’m starting to contemplate what I should do once my 60 for 60 is over. Given that my travel outside of the UK hasn’t featured yet I’m considering 70 countries in the next 10 years. All being well I’ll get to that milestone and I’ll have fun getting there. I want to swim with dolphins in the Azores, walk along the Wall of China and cruise the Bering Sea. Maybe I’ll climb a mountain or two.

Now I’d better pick my son up from University and write some Christmas cards.

P.S my featured photo is my daughter and I on a night out.