Being 60, older adult, Professional Coach, Uncategorized

My Sixtieth Year (Week 38)

A New Year. A time for resolutions and looking forward knowing that in a couple of weeks this year will feel very much the same as the last. For me, as for many of my contemporaries, 2019 is the year I celebrate my 60th birthday. It feels a little unreal. How on earth have I got to this age so quickly. It seems just a blink of an eye that I was feeling wary of turning thirty. No doubt about it. Life is short. It is not to be wasted.

So in 2019 I aim to live life and plan for the rest of it. Balance is an over used word on social media. Most used to describe building good nutrition and exercise into your life. I’m quite happy with this aspect of my life. I usually eat well, train hard and get adequate rest and recovery. More challenging is living for today whilst building the resource for the future. A future that is not certain. I know that as a consequence of my own health issues and the loss of friends (one in particular) and family that won’t be celebrating with me.

I plan to retire from employment in two years. But not from work. I’m looking towards a more flexible, self employed work life. I can’t see myself ever not doing something. The only limitation is my health which I’m doing my upmost to maintain.

So I have two years to prepare. I know it will be in health and wellness. I am a qualified personal trainer with a qualification in exercise for the older adult. I’m currently undertaking a Professional Coach qualification which will entitle me to call myself an ICF Approved Professional Coach. What I’m starting to think about is how to combine the two. 

Professional transformation coaching is powerful. It can change your life. Exercise and good nutrition will not just change your life but could save it. A commitment to the latter with the support of the former in identifying goals and ensuring accountability could turn a resolution into a lifestyle. It seems the way to go. A career that will bring in a bit of cash whilst helping others to achieve sustainable health improvement and maybe a love of exercise.

So there are things to be done. I need to get qualified. I need to get experience. I need to be a role model if I’m going to be taken seriously. I need to set up a business. All exciting stuff.

But at the same time I want to live 2019. I still have a number of 60 for 60 ticks to achieve. I want to get out of the UK more this year. So back to the balance issue. How much do I save for a future that could be as long as a piece of string or spend on the here and now. Can anyone answer this question for me. I doubt it. So I’ll do my best to achieve both.

Whatever your plans for 2019 enjoy them. Hopefully we will end this year healthier and happier.