Being 60, Fitness, older adult, Uncategorized, Weight Lifting Older Adult

My Sixtieth Year (Week 40)

Forty weeks into my sixtieth year. Only twelve weeks until I move into my seventh decade. A lot of numbers. And it is the numbers I’m going for in my strength goals. I have four of them. A 105kg deadlift, a 40kg bench press, 30kg shoulder press and a pull up. I was starting to doubt whether they would be achieved. But for two of them I am now bang on target. On Thursday I deadlifted 102.5 kg and bench pressed nearly 40kg. I say nearly as my personal trainer had to use her two index fingers to assist me.

I had previously deadlifted 102kg and bench pressed 37.5 kg but that was at the beginning of 2017. At that time I was concentrating on my strength but I was soon to divert my attention to endurance with a half marathon on the horizon and three mountains to climb. I continued weight training but not at the previous consistency. But I’m now back there. Weight training three times a week, one strength based HITT class and a 5k run. That gives me two days to rest and recover. I’m also making sure that I get plenty of protein in my diet to support my muscle development. 

But back to my deadlift and bench press. I went into the session with little confidence that I would achieve those numbers by April but my personal trainer had different ideas. And she got me well on the way. I was delighted. The sense of accomplishment that strength training gives you is empowering. I am a strong, nearly 60 woman. 

Another 60 for 60 was the ballet. Not to do it, obviously, but to watch it. And last week I took myself to the London Coliseum to see Swan Lake by the English National Ballet. Did I enjoy it? I’m not sure. There were some parts that were stunning (the dancing of the swans), but other parts I found quite tedious. And it didn’t help that the seats were uncomfortable and there were two intervals. 

In this last year I have ‘enjoyed’ the opera and the ballet. I’m not sure that I would rush back. I may just be a an uncultured heathen. The pantomime was far more my thing.

Finally, I booked a few days away in Tenerife to celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary in March. I didn’t give my husband time to object. I had my finger on the Complete Booking before I passed it by him. He actually seemed enthusiastic. So happy days.