Being 60, Fitness, older adult, Uncategorized, Weight Lifting Older Adult

My Sixtieth Year – Week 50

This time last week I was looking forward to a relaxing afternoon cheering on my daughter who was competing in a competition with her friend at our gym. Followed by a meal out to celebrate her success. Success being getting through to the end without medical assistance. It was a competition I had done two years ago so I knew it was not for the faint hearted. But I was going to enjoy being a spectator.

My daughter hadn’t been feeling too well but was determined to do it until she saw what was being lined up. She knew she wasn’t going to get through it feeling as she did. So twenty minutes before the start she asked the organisers if a replacement could be found for her. Without a replacement her friend would also have to pull out. I started to feel uneasy. The most obvious solution was for me to jump in. But I hadn’t trained for it. I had been concentrating on my strength. I was chasing a 110kg deadlift. This event was high intensity with burpees bound to feature somewhere.

My unease was well founded. Five minutes before the start I was swapping clothes and footwear with my daughter. Fortunately (or is that unfortunately) we are the same size. One minute before the start I was in the competition photo.

The good news is that I got through it. I didn’t shower myself with glory. Out of 23 pairs we came last. So apologies to Daisy for the placing and for the extra prowler pushes she had to do. And speaking of prowler pushes what sadistic mind puts burpees and prowler pushes together? That would be my personal trainer.

So an unexpected afternoon climbing over hay bales, pushing and pulling weights, rowing, skiing, the dreaded burpees and getting rained on. But I loved it. There was something very enjoyable about just doing it and not having to deal with the nerves in the days and hours leading up to it. I  usually have high expectations of myself but on this occasion I was happy just to get through. There is something very liberating about going with the flow. And the support was amazing. You seem to get more than your fair share of cheers when you are coming in last. And the good news is I have added it to my 60 for 60.

After a few days of recovery I was standing in front of a barbell loaded to 110kg with the same sadistic personal trainer cheering me on. And I done it. I lifted over 17 stone from the floor. I was elated. I’m still reliving the moment.

Another high of the week was my first birthday celebration with my team at work. A balloon, bunting and a chorus of happy birthday. What’s not to like. Plus a couple of speeches. Not about my youthful looks but my skills as a manager. It was lovely to hear. It is great being complimented on how you look but far more meaningful if it is about the person you are. I’m just sad that my balloon lasted less than 24 hours. My dog ate it. 

Friday night found me at a concert of a 70s iconic band, The Stranglers. They still have a huge following but I only recognised four of the songs. Where music is concerned I still live in the 70s and 80s. I don’t want to hear their latest album. But it was an experience even if it was just seeing a load of middle aged people strutting their stuff. I joined them for ‘No More Heroes’.

Finally, I have ordered my over 60 Oyster card. I may have to continue with the daily commute putting up with the man spreading and the vacuuming up of snot (does anyone blow their nose anymore) but at least won’t I won’t have to pay for the privilege.

So a good week. A lot to be grateful for.