Being 60, Blogger, Fat loss, Fitness, Fitness after Open Heart Surgery, healthy weight, older adult, Preparing for Retirement, Preparing to Retire, Three Welsh Peaks, Uncategorized, weight loss

Killing It

There are those weeks where you can look back and think ‘that was a good week’. It is a just a pity that it rained otherwise it could have been perfect. So why has it been good. Firstly, the progress in my health and fitness goals are spot on. Secondly, I am a significant step closer to my retirement dreams. Throw in my son being home from university for the summer and a few social events and life is good. Of course the housework and the garden have been neglected but there is always next week or next month.

I’m coming to the end of the second week of an eight week plan to blast my body fat. At the same time I am training to climb the 3 Welsh Peaks in four weeks. 
My excess body fat has been an issue for me for a good time. I’ve spoken about it numerous times on this blog. Not that it would be obvious to most people as I’m not overweight. But I continue to carry too much fat. It is unhealthy and unsightly.

In the two weeks leading up to a trip to Barcelona I lost 1.5 kg. Very impressive on the scales but a third of this weight loss was lean body mass. This is never good but for an older person something to be avoided at all costs. Lean body mass is essential to remain strong and independent. 

So I want to lose fat whilst at the same time hold onto my muscle. What’s the point of cutting fat if there is no muscle to expose. I’m being flippant but I have spent a lot of time in the gym building my muscles. I want to show them off.

The balance is to create a calorie deficit whilst at the same time protecting those muscles so they don’t run for the hills hand in hand with my body fat.

My personal trainer has developed a plan for my daughter and I to achieve this. The workout plans are identical but the calorie breakdown is bespoke for each of us. However, the week to week changes are the same. Either an increase in cardio or a reduction in carbohydrates and fat intake. Protein intake remains high and consistent.

As I stated earlier we are now at the end of the second week. I’m now known as the mad woman who comes home from the gym and goes for a run. Only for 15 minutes which is once round the park. But I’m quite enjoying it. I love exercising outside. Maybe when I get to week six where it increases to forty five minutes I won’t be so enthusiastic. 

Two weeks in my body fat percentage has dropped by just over half a percent. Not much but it does mean that my back fat doesn’t bulge so much. And incredibly my lean body mass has increased by half a pound which suggests that the strength training and the additional protein is working its magic.

The increase in cardio has to be welcomed as I edge towards the 3 Welsh Peaks Challenge which will require a significant amount of my endurance reserves. One month out I’ve received my essential kit list which includes carrying an emergency shelter. This was never required in the last two challenges I’ve done (three national peaks, three Yorkshire Peaks) but much of this challenge is at night so I suppose we have to be prepared if poor weather closes in and it is unsafe to keep walking.

Finally, I’m now twenty months out from retirement. This week I received my pension quote which was better than expected. If it had been worse I may have had to reconsider my plans. But now it is all systems go. I’ve booked on a pre retirement course and over the coming months will put into place my post retirement plans. All very exciting. Of course nothing is guaranteed with the potential that Brexit may scupper my pension pot. So I’m keeping everything crossed. But for today I feel as if I’m killing it.