60 year old blogger, Being 60, Blogger, Exercise and Mental Health, Fitness, older adult, Uncategorized, Weight Lifting Older Adult, weight loss

Why Exercise?

It’s a strange world. One where I often have to justify why I exercise but knowing that I wouldn’t be subject to the same scrutiny if I was getting drunk every Friday and Saturday night. Not that I don’t get drunk on occasions. And sad to say that I look just as bad whether I’m drunk or been in the gym. Red of face and if it has been a legs session very likely to fall over.

But one is good for me and the other is not. Particularly as I’m on medication which makes me susceptible to liver damage and puts me at risk of a serious bleed if I over indulge. 

The evidence to support exercise is indisputable. Our bodies are made to move and be challenged. That’s how we get faster, stronger and stay healthy. The World Health Organisation as well as numerous other credible organisations recommend the following:

1. Adults aged 18–64 should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week or do at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity.

2. Aerobic activity should be performed in bouts of at least 10 minutes duration.

3. For additional health benefits, adults should increase their moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity to 300 minutes per week, or engage in 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity. 

4. Muscle-strengthening activities should be done involving major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week. 

Even for me no.3 looks a bit challenging but I probably get there most weeks. 

But I don’t exercise to comply with WHO recommendations. I exercise for myself. I exercise to feel good and dare I say to look good.

This has been brought into sharp focus this week by two incidences. One where a colleague stated that she didn’t understand why people exercised. I didn’t even go there. And secondly one of those stupid adverts on social media for some sort of fat loss drink which meant you would never have to exercise again. Again words fail me. How do such adverts ever get approved?

So these are the reasons why I exercise.

First off it is not to lose weight. I spent years telling myself that if I exercised I could eat what I wanted. I was wrong. Of course there are those that will lose weight but I’m not one of them. Only calorie restriction works for me.

I exercise primarily because it makes me feel good. You can’t beat that feeling at the end of a run, boot camp, weights session when the endorphins kick in. I feel good physically and mentally. I love the feeling that I’m getting faster/stronger/fitter. This is not to say that I don’t have moments where I think ‘what the f**k am I doing’. But to use another quote ‘I really regret that workout said no one ever’.

I love the energising feeling that exercise gives you. Doing a workout may be the last thing I want to do after a day at work. Slumping in front of the tv is far more appealing. But 45 minutes later I’m a new woman. 

Of course I know that even with the investment in my health I may still become ill. But I want to give myself the best chance. And the healthier I am the better prospect for recovery.

I exercise to do things. I have a display of medals that I could have only got due to exercise. They range from 10k’s to a half marathon, mountain climbing to muddy obstacle courses. All great experiences. And I have made friends on the way. Hopefully I will be adding another medal next week when I complete the Three Welsh Peaks Challenge. I do have aspirations to up my medal tally when I retire when I have a bit more time. 

I exercise to look good. And it is weight training that ticks this box. I don’t want a body that doing only cardio delivers. I want want that has shape. And that shape is only achieved by weight training if ones lifestyle is fairly sedentary. I’m sure I wouldn’t have to spend so much time in the gym if I was into gardening and house renovation. But I’m not so the gym it is. 

Finally, it makes me happy.