As a blogger I’m always noting down phrases and comments that resonate with me. Could they be the subject of my next blog? Usually I
60 year old blogger, Being 60, Blogger, Fat loss, healthy weight, older adult, Uncategorized, weight loss
The moment of truth. Stepping on the scales after a two week (well nearly) break in the sun. How much of the fat I lost
60 year old blogger, Blogger, cardiac rehabilitation, Fitness after Open Heart Surgery, Open Heart Surgery, Uncategorized, Warfarin
This time four years ago today I was walking to the hospital shower room to smother myself in a medicated body wash in preparation for
For many women it can be that one mirror encounter that shouts ‘you need to do something’. For me it was seeing how lumpy I
Being 60, Blogger, cardiac rehabilitation, Fitness, Fitness after Open Heart Surgery, older adult, Uncategorized
NEAT. An important part of living a healthy life and keeping the fat off. NEAT is the acronym for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. It is everything