60 year old blogger, Being 60, Blogger, Fat loss, healthy weight, older adult, Uncategorized, weight loss

Holiday Weight Gain – enjoying not sabotaging 

The moment of truth. Stepping on the scales after a two week (well nearly) break in the sun. How much of the fat I lost in the 9 weeks leading up to my holiday will be back in all its glory. 

Have I sabotaged what I had achieved or enjoyed it? Most definitely the latter. I had planned to eat, drink and do very little exercise when I was away. I indulged in five course meals. I ate cake and ice cream. I drunk champagne, cocktails and beer. And apart from the occasional swim, three aqua gym classes and two rather long walks into town I did very little. The nearest I got to the gym was when I went to the spa for a massage. I had deliberately left my trainers at home. 

I knew I was going to put weight on. It was inevitable. One dress was a casualty a few days in. The back fat was a little too prominent. I should have worn it the first night. 

There would have been a time when putting weight back on so easily after a diet would have demotivated me. I would have thought ‘why did I bother’. Or even worse, committed to the next miracle diet. Now I know that what I do works. Going off plan is just that and to be enjoyed. As long as I get back on it once I have brushed the sand from my flip flops. Losing weight for a holiday shouldn’t be the ultimate goal. Although it does provide a great incentive. The goal should be a long term one. 

What sabotages so many diets is not what is eaten or drunk. It is what happens in our head. The belief that another attempt to lose weight has failed. The wagon has left the station without me on board. I can’t do it this time as I’m too busy, too committed to social events. I’ll wait to an easier time. But there is never an easy time.

What we need to get our heads around is that this is a fat loss programme can accommodate (it has to) our busy lives. It can accommodate holidays, nights out, work lunches. And not to view an evening on the beer as the end. You just get back on track the following morning.

Back to my scales. I’ve put on 2 kg (just over 4lbs). But it is back to the gym and MyFitnessPal. I have enjoyed my weigh gain. l didn’t sabotage my achievements.