60 year old blogger, Being 60, Preparing to Retire, Uncategorized

Preparing for Retirement-18 months out

The pension quote has been received. The ‘preparation for retirement’ course booked. It is starting to get real. After working for forty-two years the end is in sight. Forty-eight years if I count the Saturday jobs in British Home Stores and Fine Fare. Names that have shut up shop long before me. Not that I intend to sacrifice myself to a life of coffee mornings and lunch dates. I plan to keep on working but in a different way.
So why now (or in 18 months)?

I have been very fortunate to have had a career not a job. I started it as a nurse and then a midwife. And for the last thirty years it would have been for the Royal College of Midwives. It has been a great career. I have (I think) made a difference. 

A year or so ago retirement was something that would occur in my distant future. But slowly more of my friends and peers have retired. So why not me? It now feels to be the right time for me and the organisation I work for. It is time for someone new with new ideas to take over my responsibilities. And I want to pursue other interests. 

A fulfilling career is a lot to miss but there are somethings that can easily be relinquished. The commute into London being number one on the list.

My train line has introduced new trains with very few seats so I often have to stand. This isn’t a problem. I’m far fitter than many of the younger commuters who nab a priority seat then promptly fall asleep. But standing often involves being squashed against a fellow commuter who either stinks of skunk and/or is a mouth breather who has decided that dental cleanliness is not for them. Or, even worse, is following a low carb or intermittent fasting diet so the ketosis is rancid. Plus the art of blowing one’s nose is a forgotten art. It is now all about vacuuming huge amounts of snot into your oesophagus. It is a disgusting experience even for someone with a strong stomach

Getting up at 5am will also not be missed unless it is to travel to the airport. An early start is essential to get into London before the underground madness starts. 

As I approach my penultimate winter of employment there are a number of things I’m doing to prepare for the life change.

Firstly, I need to decide what my encore career will look like. Back in 2016 I qualified as a Personal Trainer followed by an Exercise for the Older Adult qualification in 2018. This year I became a Professional Coach and this week I completed a Certificate in Career Coaching. I’m dabbling in wellness as I’m increasingly persuaded that health and fitness need to have a whole body approach. Physical, mental and spiritual. Plus I have 30 years of trade union experience over a number of areas. Would it be possible to get some consultancy work? A lot to think about. 

One thing that I have agreed with my employer is to take a day’s unpaid leave every month. The purpose to have more time. Working full time, training 5 times per week, maintaining a house and a social life doesn’t leave much time to do much else. So a day a month focusing and planning on what I’m going to do next will be welcome head space time. As long as I don’t succumb to daytime trashy tv. 

Finally, I’m trying to control my spending. My Amazon habit needs to be curtailed. The ease of the swipe button just makes it too easy to make mindlessly purchases. It all adds up and I won’t have the same healthy bank account when I retire. So I’m trying to live within my projected means. 

It is exciting but at the same time a little worrying. Will leaving my career mean a loss of identity? Will I get the ‘encore’ career? Will my good health continue or is my mitral valve calcifying as I speak. Will Brexit affect my pension projection? But there will always be something to worry about. The primarily emotion I’m feeling is excitement. Retirement will give me the flexibility to test out new opportunities. Have different experiences. Focus on what I want to do. Without the morning commute.