60 year old blogger, Being 60, Fat loss, Uncategorized, weight loss

Christmas Weight Gain and Little Women

Oh dear. I knew I had over consumed during the festive period but by twice the national average seemed a bit steep. But the scales don’t lie. 2kg. Just under 4lbs in old money. The reality hit when I looked back at how long it had taken me to lose the same amount of fat. It felt as if I was back at square one thanks to consuming my body weight in champagne and chocolate over Christmas and New Year.

I had planned to take my foot of the fat loss accelerator. The week before Christmas I was at my lowest body fat percentage for years so what harm could a couple of weeks do. Now I wish I had limited it to just a few days.

But Christmas now lasts forever. The first celebrations are in November and continue until early January. I went back to work on 2nd but most of the capital didn’t do so until the 6th. At least it made for a pleasant commute. Or at least not so awful. 

The average person puts on between 1-2lbs over Christmas. But most people overestimate their weight gain (except me) so are pleasantly surprised when they step onto the scales in the New Year. Unfortunately most won’t lose it. By March they are heavier than they were in the previous September. And so it continues despite those New Year resolutions.

Of course my overindulgence hadn’t put me back to square one but it had taken me two months to lose what I quickly gained in two weeks. I was disappointed in myself. I had managed to enjoy all the Christmas festivities leading up to those two weeks and at the same time reduce my body fat percentage. I did this by staying on plan in between the celebrations. But on the first day of leave from work I just went for it. Chocolate and alcohol being my primary indulgence. Usually I confine myself to two squares of dark chocolate a day. Now it was a tin of Cadbury Heroes. Plus my liver was screaming for mercy.

So my first weigh and measure of 2020 was not good. And I have to admit that for a nano second I felt like throwing in the towel. Followed by a nano second of ‘I must go on a crash diet’. I then came to my senses. The process and plan I have been following for over six months has worked. I need to continue to trust the process and plan. A week later I have lost 1kg and my body fat percentage is down. The process works. I’ll soon be back on track.

Something new I tried for 2020 was going to the cinema on my own. Now I have done a lot of things on my own. The theatre, the ballet, trips away, exhibitions. I enjoy my own company so if I want to do something I will just do it. But never the cinema. I’ve never felt comfortable to do that on my own. But I wanted to see Little Women. The screenings were being reduced so I decided to go to a Sunday morning showing. As a child my brother and I use to go to Saturday morning pictures but it is getting towards half a century since I last went to the cinema in the morning. I loved it. Whilst it was quiet I was still surprised that so many people had the same idea. No problems parking. And still the rest of the day to enjoy when I came out. So definitely an experience I will repeat.

So one week into 2020. I’m back on my fat loss journey, pursuing my fitness goals (30 minute 5k and 5 chin ups), enjoying new experiences and looking forward to what this New Year has to offer.