60 year old blogger, Lockdown

Life after lockdown – my top five

We will shortly be entering the 10th week of lockdown. Whilst there has been some easing of the rules life remains very restricted. But at least we can start seeing an end to it. Will life ever be the same again? What will our new normal look like? Would we want to go back to the old normal?

Lockdown has given us all the opportunity to reflect on our lives. For those of us that have not had financial worries, concerns about elderly relatives, isolation from partners, the reflection has been, dare I say, cathartic. There are some thingsI don’t want to include in my new normal but here are five things I have missed and will be at the top of my post lockdown list.

Hang out with friends, family and colleagues

Probably most people’s number one. Ironically I have seen more of my family, friends and colleagues during the last nine weeks than I would normally have done. But all through a screen. Zoom, WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams have made this lockdown bearable. I’ve been able to have meetings, attend conferences, meet up with family and friends for quiz nights, catch ups, even a rave. But I’m starting to get screen fatigue. And the stress of having a flaky broadband provider adds to the frustration.

I just want to hang out. Drink too much. Talk nonsense. Have trivial conversations over a boiling kettle. Go for a curry. Climb a mountain in Wales , walk in the Wiltshire Hills. I want to get back to those social interactions that give life meaning.

Go to the gym

Before lockdown I would be at the gym four times or more during the week. Usually to lift heavy weights. I’m now doing at least eight sessions a week via zoom. A mixture of cardio, body weight and minimal weights. I’m the fittest I’ve ever been. But I’ve probably lost some of the strength I had. Although I’m confident I’ll easily regain it.

I want to go back to the gym to lift those weights, to see my personal trainer, to chat with my fellow gym enthusiasts. But I also want to hold onto the flexibility of the zoom classes. To be able to decide to do a class 10 minutes before it starts and then go from the class straight into my own shower. So here’s hoping that my post lockdown world can incorporate this flexibility.

Go for a coffee

I’m looking forward to the day I can walk into a coffee shop, buy an over priced hot drink and just sit. This is what I do at the end of every commute to work, on the rare shopping trip (I hate shopping) and my more frequent hospital visits (the anticoagulant clinic).

I’ve calculated a cost saving of £150 whilst being on lockdown but I will be returning to this indulgence.

Book a holiday

One of the pleasures of life is the whole holiday experience. From the research, the booking, stepping off the plane, to placing the photos into a Facebook album.

I was very fortunate to have had a holiday in Mexico returning days before lockdown. I usually always have a holiday to look forward to but now the calendar is bare. And with the introduction of a 14 day quarantine it looks as if it is going to be a while before we step on foreign sand again. But I’m going to get so much pleasure when I can finally click on ‘Book Now’.

Go for a spa day

During lockdown I have missed two spa days. One with friends on our annual Center Parc’s trip and a solo visit using some nearly expired. birthday vouchers. There is something very indulgent about a spa. Having paid for the experience you are obligated to just chill out. Only on one occasion did I not feel it. I felt irritated and confined. But apart from that one time I always complete the experience feeling relaxed, pampered and rejuvenated. Particularly if a full body massage and a cream tea is thrown in.

Lockdown has made us appreciate what we previously took for granted. Hopefully, when the memory of these last few weeks fades we will remain grateful for what we once lost. I will also endeavour to hold onto what I have gained. More sleep and more time.