60 year old blogger, Coronavirus and Wellness, healthy weight

Health and Fitness in a Pandemic

There can be no better time to be fit and healthy than in the midst of a pandemic. Unfortunately when there seems to be no end in sight it becomes harder and harder to find the enthusiasm and emotional strength. The usual motivators have evaporated. There is no holiday around the corner. And Christmas celebrations are likely to be through a screen.

The start of lockdown feels a lifetime ago. It was the start of Spring. The days were getting longer. Many of us embraced the daily exercise allowance and took full advantage of the plethora of online classes. We could get through this and be all the better for it.

For me lockdown was a revelation. It brought home to me how manic my life had become. Getting up at 5am for the commute. A full day at work followed by a early evening gym session. And then weekends spent catching up with food shopping, housework and socialising. Lockdown gave me time which I embraced.

The gym was replaced by Zoom. I actually got fitter as I started doing two sessions a day.

Six months on I have retired. Unfortunately the coronavirus hasn’t. It still limits our lives and will continue to do so for sometime. Even an old introvert like myself is starting to find it draining. And how have I responded to this? By indulging my sweet tooth that’s how.

Takeaway desserts have proved to be a revelation and my downfall. I just can’t resist salted caramel waffles from my local dessert cafe nor a doughnut from Doughnut Time. I’ve even started to make lemon drizzle cake. I have moved over to the dark side.

Inevitably I have put on weight. 5kgs to be exact. Not good when I was so focused last year and the beginning of 2020 in getting my body fat down to a healthy percentage.

I’m happy with my fitness. I’m training six times a week. A combination of weight training and endurance. I’m getting stronger and feeling fitter.

I’ve started doing yoga a few times a week. I initially focused on flexibility but after doing a balance test I now concentrate on balance. I was quite shocked to realise that I can’t stand on one leg with my eyes closed for 30 seconds. I barely managed 5 seconds. Not good.

Balance and strength are so important particularly to the older adult. Without them independence is eroded and health is threatened. Falls are the second biggest cause of accidental deaths after traffic accidents. Both balance and strength start to decline in our 30s. Fortunately we can slow down the decline with resistance and balance training. The former I’ve been doing for years but I’ve neglected the balance side of things. Hence the balance yoga. It is not a pretty sight but needs must.

I’m making a concerted effort where the meditation is concerned. 10-15 minutes most evenings. And retirement has made my alarm clock redundant so I’m getting my sleep quota.

So it is just my sugar addiction and my expanding waistline that need attention. And to be clear it is not just the aesthetics of the situation. My waist hip ratio has moved me from a low to moderate risk to my health. And at a time when we need to be as healthy as possible to resist the consequences of a nasty coronavirus infection I need to do something about it.

So I’m back to the weekly weigh and measure. Back to monitoring my nutrition. And doing all I can to resist the sugary delights of the dessert cafe and Doughnut Time. I’ll let you know how I get on.