The moment of truth. Stepping on the scales after a two week (well nearly) break in the sun. How much of the fat I lost
This time four years ago today I was walking to the hospital shower room to smother myself in a medicated body wash in preparation for
For many women it can be that one mirror encounter that shouts ‘you need to do something’. For me it was seeing how lumpy I
NEAT. An important part of living a healthy life and keeping the fat off. NEAT is the acronym for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. It is everything
A week on from completing the 3 Welsh Peaks I’m thinking about my next challenge. It was going to be Nuclear Races (a muddy, obstacle
My vanity would usually stop me posting the photo on the left but this is the difference 24 hours can make. Said photo is on
It’s a strange world. One where I often have to justify why I exercise but knowing that I wouldn’t be subject to the same scrutiny
I’m four weeks into an eight week programme to get rid of my excess body fat. It is not easy. I’m having to track everything
I like to think that the driving force behind my blog is the celebration of getting older. Embracing health and fitness, grasping opportunities and living
There are those weeks where you can look back and think ‘that was a good week’. It is a just a pity that it rained